Bulkboy is a very simple WordPress plugin I’ve developed that allows you to add posts, pages or custom post types by simply dropping in a list of titles seperated by a space. And that’s it – paste them in, hit the button and the posts are there.
It is intentionally simple as it’s catering to the use case of a professional dev who has been handed a list of, say, 100 products that needs to be added while a site is being developed. Adding each individually is painful, and even creating them via WP CLI can be cumbersome. What could be easier than pasting in a list and hitting ‘go’?
There are other plugins that do this but any that I’ve come across make you pay to add custom post types. This is free all the way down.
At the moment you can download the initial release here:
and then install it manually.
When WordPress eventually add it to the Plugin store I’ll update with the link.
Here’s a screenshot of the plugin in action. You can access this screen from Settings > Bulkboy once you’ve installed it.